Graduate or postgraduate courses:

Since September 2019 Theory of Global Social Change (MA course)

Since September 2011 Migration studies (MA course)

Since September 2009 Economic sociology (Phd course)

May 2012 Population and Migration discourses
In: (Re)vision of traditional approaches to social policy research , Center for Social Policy and Gender Studies with the support of The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation,  HESP ReSET and HSEMoscow region, Russia 15.05.2012-24.05.2012

July 2007 – July 2010 Global versus local inequality in the era of globalization. Demography and Inequality
In: “Rediscovering Social Inequality and Exclusion After the Collapse of State Socialism: Regional Contexts” Core faculty, Russia, St. Petersburg,  Moscow. Sevastopol, Ukraine

July 2005  – July 2007. Culture and Power, Critical Sociology Network Caucasus Teaching and Research Initiative” Tbilisi (Georgia).

August 2003 – 2006    Regional Seminar for Excellence in Migration studies:Theory, Methodology and Migration Policy. (HESP, UN).
Taught Courses at Smolensk Humanitarian University Summer School (Russia): Discrimination and Migration (Summer 2005); Globalization and the political economy of migration (Summer, 2004). East/West Exclusions. Discourses and Narratives on Population and Migration (Summer, 2003)

September-December, 2002.  East/West Exclusions. Discourses on Population and Migration in the United States and Europe in the 20th Century. Central European University, Department of History

30 July – 10 August, 2001 Cross-border Identities – a Narrative Approach to East-West Experience. With: Júlia Vajda and Roswitha Breckner. (Central European University,  Summer University)


Undergraduate courses:

Since September 2015 Postcolonial Studies (BA course) Corvinus University

Since May 2012 Migration Studies  (BA, at Tbilisi State University, Georgia)

Since September 2009 Economic Sociology (BA course) Corvinus University

Since September 2008 Foundations of Sociology. (BA course) Corvinus University

Since September 2004 Global Social Change (BA course) Corvinus University, Budapest.

May 2012, Social policy and global hierarchies (Moscow, University of Economics)

Spring 2004 Post-Communist Syndromes? International Politics and the Changes in East/West Discourses. (Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA)

September, 1998 – Spring 2000 The East – West Discourse in Politics and the Social Sciences (Széchenyi College)

January, 1997 – May, 1997 Social Change in Central Europe. The Problems of Uneven Development (Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA)

September, 1996 – December, 1996  Ideas of Modernity. National Identity and Social Change in the 19th and 20th century Central Europe (Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA)

September, 1994 – June, 1995 The History of Hungarian Sociology (Széchenyi College)

September, 1992 – December, 1993 Media (research seminar) (Széchenyi College)

September, 1991 – June, 1993 Sociology (Budapest University of Economics)

September, 1989 – June, 1991 Economic Sociology (Budapest University of Economics)

September, 1989 – June, 1991 Family and Household Formation in Hungary in the 18th. and 19th century (research seminar) Széchenyi College

September, 1988 – June, 1991 Population History and Family Formation in Early Modern Europe (Budapest University of Economics)